~Return of the Superior~
~Return of the Superior~
10.01.2013 в 22:56
Пишет  Merle: ):

Где-то на уровне свинячьего визга смешно.XD
10.01.2013 в 22:17
Пишет  maresca:

...и пихаю в себя фасоль со словами "О, как же хорошо" (с)
Похабно, но я ржаль :)

URL записи

URL записи

@темы: creation

~Return of the Superior~
Мы - не жалкие букашки,
Супер-ниндзя черепашки,
Панцирь носим, как рубашки,
Юные таланты! Та-та!

продолжение )))

07.01.2013 в 11:53
Пишет  magiquenoir:

URL записи

Куйсянь все же задействован )))

@темы: Super Junior M, самые любимые ♥

~Return of the Superior~
Такая песня КЛАССНАЯ!!!!!А они такие .......:inlove::inlove::inlove::inlove::inlove:
Скучала, скучала, так скучала...столько Генри, Мими.....жду другие песенки....

@темы: Super Junior M, самые любимые ♥

~Return of the Superior~

А вообще на официальных фотках они такие юные вьюноши .... )))) СЛЮНИ!! Да, щупамены такие .... ОНИ НЕ СТАРЕЮТ!! :gigi::crazylove::crzfan:

@темы: Choi Siwon, Super Junior M, самые любимые ♥

~Return of the Superior~
Генри - ТАЛАНТ!!!! :heart::heart::heart::heart:

@темы: Super Junior M, самые любимые ♥

~Return of the Superior~
~Return of the Superior~
Люблю их ...и кажется СОЛО МИМИ будет :inlove::squeeze::pozdr3::wine::crzfan::crazylove:!!!!

@темы: Super Junior M, самые любимые ♥

~Return of the Superior~
спасибо всем кто принял решение ввести его снова на радио, спасибо ему самому, что он снова пошел в диджеи несмотря ни на что и ни на кого, спасибо всем лепесточкам которые дали мне возможность снова видеть его....такого прекрасного....а для меня совершенного и человека, кот. перевернул мой мир сам того не зная....


@темы: Kim Hee Chul, самые любимые ♥

~Return of the Superior~
~Return of the Superior~
~Return of the Superior~
Ah. And also, I will start doing radio broadcast from Friday onwards again. (с) Kim Hee Chul

только вот интересно на каком радио это будет и будет ли видео...

@темы: Kim Hee Chul, самые любимые ♥

~Return of the Superior~
[Trans] 130101 Kim Heechul fancafe Kiseki message

There's no need to say things like "Happy New Year" between us, firstly I need to get out of the army first. I hope it will be like the lost of time.. But there's nothing I can do about it.. I am really keke...

Recently I haven't been using Twiter, Weibo, using nothing. There's nothing much to communicate.

Like what I've said, no news means good news. I've been living well.
After work at 6pm I will dash home, use my left leg toe to switch on the computer. When the computer is starting up, I will dash over to pack clothes and other stuff.
Once the computer starts up, I will log in to LOL, and play till 11pm. After 11pm I will rest and the next day at 7am a new day starts.

I thought I will be able to get a girlfriend while serving the army... It's impossible.
Instead, I thought that it would be a waste to find a girlfriend when I have personal time. Using this time to play a game is better.

Of course, "I haven't been going out with girls, I've been staying at home" I won't say such lies. Because all of you would definitely think that "Kim Heechul is lying"

Get into a relationship quickly. I feel that human beings must have a relationship to live on. But you all can't stay at home and face 2D (game images) like me. Even though I said that, my situation is really pathetic.

Do you remember? I used to say I don't like kids and I don't know what to do?
Do you remember? I used to say I don't like kids and I don't know what to do?

But, recently I think kids are really really cute ?_?
I want to have a kid who looks like me quickly~
I have no intention to get married, I just want a kid who looks like me (+.+)

I told my mum, "I'm lazy to get married, I just want a kid of my own". I could feel that she sighed and smiled helplessly.

No matter what, I've been living pretty well. All of you have to live well too. I want to go play my games now.

Kim Heechul's quote: Although the characters in games will never leave me, but they will make women leave me.

Ah. And also, I will start doing radio broadcast from Friday onwards again.

RT @heequeenting 希澈家族LoveChul【130101金希澈fan cafe-kiseki留言-新年多福】bit.ly/UAJDaD

@темы: Kim Hee Chul, самые любимые ♥

~Return of the Superior~
Прекрасный подарок от СМ на Новый год!

UpD!!!! Официальный!!!!!!!!! ШИВОННННН!!!!! я его не увидела в том....о___О все же в клипе его сняли ?______________


@темы: Super Junior M, самые любимые ♥

~Return of the Superior~
~Return of the Superior~
КАНИН похудел еще больше....и он БЛОНДИНКА!!!!!

@темы: Super Junior, E.L.F, ~Талантливые ребята~, самые любимые ♥

~Return of the Superior~
После РДР мне что-то нравится у ГГ, будем надеяться что песня не подкачает ....потому как хореография ну просто БЕСТ ОФ ЗЕ БЕСТ!!!!

@темы: ~Талантливые ребята~, S.M. Entertainment, K-pop

~Return of the Superior~

An AKP reader asked why k net citizens hate Super Junior much.. A Korean-American ELF wrote this in reply..
It's because K-netizens see SuJu as "cheap" since SuJu appear in variety shows ALOT and ruin their own image to be funny. And SuJu's mistakes in the past (Kangin beating someone, Leeteuk saying that Kim Yuna refused to be his friends on Cyworld, etc) are all still remembered. So SuJu is seen as an easy target to hate and make fun of.

I'm K-elf and no international elf will ever realize how hard it is to be K-elf. Whenever I read SuJu related articles on Korean websites, I only see harsh bashing comments. So I stopped reading comments about SuJu afterwards. K-netizens seriously hate SuJu SO much. I even saw death threats when Leeteuk was rumoured to serve in public service instead of military service. Leeteuk CLEARLY said he was going to serve in military service but those K-netizens came up with their own conclusion that Leeteuk was gonna serve in public service and he had to receive tons of harsh threats like that.

Of course, not all K-netizens aren't like that, but I'd say 90% of K-netizens bash SuJu. SuJu is like the only group that the majority of K-netizens hate. K-elf even gave up fighting against bashing comments because it was just too much to fight. Whenever I read the K-netizens' bashing comments, I actually feel like a loser because I feel like I'm fangirling a group that everybody hates.

I can say SuJu is the most underrated group in Korea. I live in Canada so I know exactly how SuJu is the most popular K-Pop group and their work to spread Hallyu, but Koreans have no idea about their international popularity and they're just busy bashing SuJu. I don't know when Koreans are finally gonna realize how SuJu deserves respect.

**We international fans all wish to be in Korea, saying K-ELFs are the luckiest of us all.. being able to see the boys in person whenever they wish so.. I also thought so.. But reading this, makes me feel sorry for them.. They've been through a lot seen SJ's debut, an awful lot! We int'l ELFs cannot change korean's perspective towards SJ.. What we can do is support SJ, in all possible way we can.. buy albums from legitimate sources, vote for them in different polls, increase their MVs' number of views..Let SJ and K-ELFs know, we are here, we will always be.

cr: Anamae PetalElf


@темы: Super Junior, E.L.F, самые любимые ♥

~Return of the Superior~
~Return of the Superior~